The Coat-of-Arms of Archbishop Brislin expresses his motto Veritas in Caritate – truth in love, taken from Ephesians 4:15. The centre is the empty cross of the resurrected Christ, from which all life comes. The rising sun is the promise of eternal life. The brown represents the dryness of certain parts of the Free State where the Archbishop has his roots, and also represents life without Christ, since fruitfulness and life come through the cross. This life is depicted by the people, the Acacia tree, the maize, the wheat and the grapes – also representing the Western Cape and reminding us of the Body and Blood of Christ. The Basotho hat reflects the majority of the people to whom the Archbishop ministered and also the “crown” of Kroonstad. The thistle represents the maternal roots of the Archbishop, namely Scotland. The shamrock represents the paternal roots of the Archbishop, namely Ireland.
click here for information on Archdiosese of Cape Town : http://adct.org.za/